Mathematical Winter School 2017
HSE Faculty of Mathematics invites students who may be interested to enter one of the M.Sc. programs offered by our university to take part in Mathematical Winter School. The school covers two Master’s programmes: Mathematics (conducted in English) and Mathematical Physics (conducted in Russian). World-leading experts will answer students’ questions; give lectures on contemporary problems in Mathematical Sciences and on applications of Mathematics. Information on the HSE and its M.Sc. programs in Mathematical Sciences will be given. The venue of the Winter School is Voronovo, a special conference center (with lodging and recreational facilities) in the Moscow region owned by HSE. HSE will provide the accommodation and meals. It will also provide a shuttle from Moscow to the School venue and back.
Register for the Winter School now
Master of Science program in Mathematics at HSE:
You may have heard of Moscow Mathematical School as one of the strongest schools in the field, having distinctive tradition. A good chance to get in touch with this tradition of doing Mathematics is to enroll into a 2-year Master of Science Programme in Mathematics offered by the Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow). This is the only MSc program in Pure Mathematics in Russia conducted in English. The HSE Faculty of Mathematics is relatively young (founded in 2008) but very ambitious. Fourteen of our faculty members are invited ICM speakers including 3 speakers of the ICM 2014. For more information on the Faculty and the programme, please visit the above-indicated sites.