Надежда Хорошавкина выступила на семинаре факультета математики с докладом "Generalized inflations "
We will discuss a number of constructions that give connections between combinatorics and topology. For example, we will discuss why any poset is a topological space (Alexandrov topological space, to be precise) and vise versa; what is a diagram on a poset; I will introduce the notion of inflation of a diagram along a poset and formulate a theorem on the topological type of geometric realizations of inflations of some special kind; if time permits, I will give solution to the theorem.All these constructions allow to investigate topological properties of finite topological spaces. The talk does not require any special knowledge and can be understood by the first year students. At the same time, the discussed objects can be interesting for those who possess the concepts of the category theory and sheaves theory, since this is a more natural language for all discussed constructions