The faculty of mathematics (HSE) together with Siberian.Capital invites the students to participate in the Research Papers Competition of Research Paper in the field of probability theory for undergraduate, specialist and graduate students of Russian universities.
Award - 150.000 rubles will be shared by the authors of the two best papers.
Sponsor - Siberian.Capital.
Judging: a group of Canadian, American, Frenсh, English, academics / professionals, specializing in the probability theory.
The chairman of the jury is KM Hanin, professor of the University of Toronto.
General Rules 1.
The competition is open not only to students of HSE University but to undergraduate, specialist and graduate students of any Rrussian university.2.You can submit research papers in Russian or in English, but It has to be compliant with the rules for submitting scientific articles.
3. Save your file in TeX and pdf.
4. Please send your research papers to with the subject line "
Конкурс Siberian.Capital", indicating your name and surname, university and course, e-mail address and phone number, full name of your supervisor.
5. Papers can be submitted from
March 15th to April 15th 2021. The research papers sent to the competition are not reviewed and not sent back to the participants. The list of the winners and the format of the award will be published on the Faculty of Mathematics website no later than
May 28th, 2021. We are
looking forward to your works and outstanding results!