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ул. Усачёва, 6

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тел. (495) 772-95-90 *12725
E-mail: math@hse.ru

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тел. (495) 624-26-16
тел. (495) 772-95-90 *12713

ДПО факультета математики:

Проект «Математическая вертикаль»:

ЛМШ факультета математики - Летняя школа для школьников:

Научный руководитель Ландо Сергей Константинович
Заместитель декана по административной работе Балаева Светлана Васильевна
Заместитель декана по научной работе Горбунов Василий Геннадьевич
Заместитель декана по учебной работе Колесников Александр Викторович
Заместитель декана по работе с абитуриентами Пятов Павел Николаевич

BIMSA-HSE Joint Seminar on Data Analytics and Topology. Speaker: Rongling Wu

Statistics at a crossroads: How it can revolutionize artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is profoundly impacting science and society by applying algorithms and machine learning to enable machines to perform humanlike tasks. Statistics as a branch of mathematics, lying at the core of AI and data science, is facing an unprecedented challenge with the surge of complex, heterogenous data across a variety of platforms. In a real sense, statistics is at a crossroads to leverage its central role in revolutionizing the foundational and fundamental framework of AI. In this talk, I will present several state-of-the-art statistical methods that have been widely used in AI across various fields. I will focus on how to develop statistically principled reasoning and theory to validate the application of AI and enhance its interpretability and sustainability. Our approach builds on statistical mechanics theory and methodology derived from interdisciplinary integration.




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