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Scientists Disprove Bunkbed Conjecture

Scientists Disprove Bunkbed Conjecture
Mathematicians from Russia, including two HSE graduates, have disproven a well-known mathematical conjecture that, despite lacking solid proof, had been considered valid for 40 years. The ‘Bunkbed Conjecture’ belongs to percolation theory—a branch of mathematics that studies the formation of connected structures in independent environments.

'It Was a Great Learning Experience for the New Generation of Mathematicians'

'It Was a Great Learning Experience for the New Generation of Mathematicians'
From November 5 to 9, 2024, HSE University hosted a five-day conference on algebraic geometry and mathematical physics, organised jointly with the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Over 30 mathematicians from the world's leading universities, including early-career scientists, participated in the event.

School "Riemann surfaces and integrable systems" is held in Moscow, 11-15 November 2024

In Memory of Igor Krichever

The April 2024 issue of the journal Notices of the American Mathematical Society published a selection of materials in memory of the outstanding mathematician, professor of our faculty Igor Krichever (1950-2022)

Minor Selection Campaign Starts on March 13

Minor Selection Campaign Starts on March 13
The selection campaign will take place in two rounds, preceded by a preview

HSE Accepting Applications for Competition of Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers

HSE Accepting Applications for Competition of Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers
Applications for the fourth HSE University Competition of the Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers will be accepted from February 1 to March 15. The authors that receive the highest scores from the expert jury will be awarded on June 6—Russian Language Day. The main goal of the competition is to support and promote Russian language as a language of science, as well as to popularise works affiliated with HSE University among the global Russian-speaking audience.
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Duality theorems for current groups

Khoroshkin A., Feigin E., Makedonskyi I.

Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2022. Vol. 248. No. 1. P. 441-479.