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Conference 2021

7th Workshop on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras and Topological Recursion May 31 - June 4 2021, Moscow

General information

Since the 6th Workshop in 2018, we witnessed a rapid development in the field of combinatorial methods in application to geometry and mathematical physics. We are observing inter-proliferation of two main subjects traditionally presented in the workshop agenda—cluster algebras and topological recursion. It is tempting to see how these two topics can be unified within the mirror symmetry framework, how spectral curves obtained from Landau-Ginzburg potentials motivated by cluster algebras can arise within the classical and quantum topological recursion, and how it all can be interpreted in cohomological field theory framework and be applied to knot theory and knot invariants. Notable is also a modern development of cluster structures in Lie algebras, including classical and quantum algebras of monodromies of Fuchsian systems, and other fascinating topics related to clusters and topological recursion including a modern treatise of Masur-Veech volumes.

Organized and supported by
International Laboratory of Cluster Geometry Faculty of Mathematics HSE University
Steklov International Mathematical Center Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS
Center of Advanced Studies Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Simons Foundation

The conference will be held from May 31 to June 4 offline in Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Gubkina street, 8, floor 9, conferece hall and online in Zoom


Dear participants of MoSCATR VII, Starting with June 1, the Conference will be held online only.

Registration form


Program (PDF, 163 Кб)







Alessandro Giacchetto (DOCX, 13 Кб) Multicurve count, Masur-Veech volumes and topological recursion

Andrea Brini (DOCX, 15 Кб)  Stable maps to Looijenga pairs

Boris Bychkov (DOCX, 13 Кб) Topological recursion for hypergeometric KP/generalized Hurwitz n-point functions  

Danilo Lewanski (DOCX, 14 Кб) A new spin for Hurwitz numbers and Chiodo classes

Elba Garcia-Failde (DOCX, 14 Кб) Generalised Kontsevich graphs, r-spin intersection numbers and topological recursion

Ilia Gaiur (DOCX, 13 Кб) Irregular isomonodromic deformation: Hamitlonian and Quantization

Gaetan Borot (DOCX, 13 Кб)  N=2 supersymmetric Gauge theories and topological recursion

Joergen Ellegaard Andersen (DOCX, 14 Кб) Geometrical Recursion

Karoline van Gemst (DOCX, 15 Кб) Mirror Symmetry  for Dubrovin-Zhang Frobenius Manifolds

Kento Osuga (DOCX, 13 Кб) N=1 Super Topological Recursion

Kohei Iwaki (DOCX, 13 Кб) Topological recursion, Painleve tau-function and exact WKB analysis

Linhui Shen (DOCX, 13 Кб)   Moduli space of G-local systems & Poisson Geometry

Marco Bertola (DOCX, 13 Кб) Graph connections, (wild) character varieties

Misha Shapiro (DOCX, 13 Кб) Darboux coordinates for symplectic groupoid

Olivia Dumitrescu (DOCX, 13 Кб) Lagrangian corr between Hitchin and de Rham moduli spaces

Omar Kidwai (DOCX, 15 Кб) Topological recursion, BPS structures for hypergeometric spectral curves

Paul Norbury (DOCX, 13 Кб)  Volume of the moduli space of super Riemann surfaces

Petr Dunin-Barkovskii (DOCX, 13 Кб) Explicit closed algebraic formulas for hypergeometric KP/generalized Hurwitz n-point functions 



  • Higher School of Economics
  • Steklov Mathematical Institute
  • Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Organizing Committee

  • Leonid Chekhov (Steklov, Poncelet, and Michigan State Univ.)
  • Dmitry Korotkin (Concordia Univ. and Centre de Recherches Mathématiques)
  • Igor Krichever (Skoltech, HSE, and Columbia Univ.)
  • Sergei Lando (HSE, and Skoltech)
  • Sergei Nechaev (Poncelet)
  • Armen Sergeev (Steklov)
  • Peter Zograf (PDMI and St.Petersburg Univ.)


Contact email of the Organizing Committee
chekhov@mi.ras.ru (Leonid Chekhov)
lando@hse.ru (Sergei Lando)

Program Committee

  • Leonid Chekhov (Steklov, Poncelet, and Michigan State Univ.)
  • Sergei Fomin (Univ. of Michigan)
  • Sergei Lando (HSE and Skoltech)
  • Andrei Marshakov (Skoltech, HSE, ITEP, and Lebedev)
  • Marta Mazzocco (Univ. Birmingham)
  • Dmitrii Orlov (Steklov)


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