On May 22, Russian and French scientists met in Moscow to sign an agreement to create the French-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre J.-V. Poncelet (ISCP), which the Higher School of Economics helped set up.
Scientists from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, and the National Research University Higher School of Economics have devised a method of distinguishing black holes from compact massive objects that are externally indistinguishable from one another. The method involves studying the energy spectrum of particles moving in the vicinity, which can be continuous or discrete. The findings have been published in Physical Review D.
On November 1st, the list of 2017 Class AMS Fellows has been made public.
According to the mission of the program, 'the Fellows of the American Mathematical Society program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.'
The Faculty of Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for full-time, tenure-track positions of Assistant Professor in Mathematics. Knowledge of Russian is an asset but not required as teaching may be conducted in English. Although representatives of all areas of Pure Mathematics will be considered, some preference may be given to candidates working in Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory.
The new international laboratory 'Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms' will open at the Faculty of Mathematics of HSE in 2017. The project of Ludmil Katzarkov (Professor of the University of Miami) won the fifth Mega-grants competition of the Government of the Russian Federation. Our faculty is the only one in the country, where in 2017 will run three laboratories in fundamental mathematics, and two of them are in the framework of this global scientific program of the federal support of scientific research.
The Faculty of Mathematics at National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Physics.
The sixth issue of HERB dedicated to mathematics is now available. There are three sections in the issue. The first section is devoted to the analysis of mathematical education in the USSR and modern Russia, the second one features the career opportunities for those, who received mathematical education in Russia, and the third section describes the current situation with mathematics in universities.
Takashi Takebe is a Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics and Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics. He has been at HSE since 2009. He is a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Tokyo. He spoke to HSE News in English service about the unpredictability of life for international academics in Moscow, about teaching mathematics to Russians, the problems of language and cycling tours.
The first issue of The HSE Look in 2015 brings the Faculty of Mathematics into the spotlight. The Dean of the faculty, Professor Sergei Lando, talks about the life of the collective that he heads and about mathematical education in Russia then and now.
Dr. Chris Brav, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics has joined the HSE this year. He shared with the HSE news service his background, first impressions on living and working in Moscow and plans for future.